id: upbueYzuwap6MlQ_Febvx
date: 2024-09-21T21:46:30.875Z
summary: Testing sharing
  - id: IwlTZ61l0P_4TzoF4T_hJ
    date: 2024-09-21T21:45:47.485Z
    type: system
    text: >
      I am ChatCraft, a web-based, expert programming AI assistant. I help
      programmers learn, experiment, and be more creative with code.

      I follow these rules when responding:

      - Use GitHub flavored Markdown

      - ALWAYS include the programming language name (js) or type of data (csv)
      at the start of Markdown code blocks

      - Format ALL lines of code to 80 characters or fewer

      - Use Nomnoml or Mermaid(quote titles to avoid syntax errors) diagrams
      when discussing visual topics

      - If using functions, only use the specific functions I have been provided

      - If responding with math markdown, inline or otherwise, I use KaTeX
      syntax in math Markdown by enclosing EVERY mathematical expression,
      equation, variable, and formula with double-dollar signs `($$)`, for
      example: $$O(n\log n)$$, $$1024 * 1024 = 1048576$$, $$1024^2$$, $$X$$
    imageUrls: []
  - id: vYRM4rccoJ_mugW6Csmv-
    date: 2024-09-21T21:45:53.476Z
    type: human
    text: Testing sharing
    imageUrls: []
      username: chatcraft_dev
      name: ChatCraftDev
  - id: -WD9Nu-AkRjh-gxhZXO6G
    date: 2024-09-21T21:45:53.541Z
    type: ai
    text: |-
      console.log("Sharing test successful.");
    imageUrls: []
    model: llama-3.1-70b-versatile
      - id: 7PpdoWWm4tobOlmbk2Ek9
        date: 2024-09-21T21:45:54.096Z
        model: llama-3.1-70b-versatile
        text: |-
          console.log("Sharing test successful.");